Each season of life has its different needs and opportunities. At BAC we can help you get the most out of your savings and provide you with all the tools you need to decide on the best solution for you.
This is how we turn market fluctuations into opportunities to grow your capital, even starting from small periodic deposits. And then… consultation is free.
We look forward to seeing you at your local branch to illustrate our investment proposals.
BAC Investments SG offers clients a range of solutions, diversified by markets and product sectors, which differ in terms of risk appetite and time horizon, favouring low volatility and careful risk monitoring.
Our investment proposals
Scheduled accumulation plan
BAC Scheduled Accumulation Plans are the ideal solution for those who want to invest in the future without having large sums of money at their disposal: €100 per month is enough!
Small monthly payments according to your means and your capital that will grow over time, always at your disposal. Investing in capital accumulation plans protects your savings from market fluctuations.
Certificates of Deposit
BAC certificates of deposit guarantee your capital and pay it back with guaranteed interest.
You can choose a term length ranging from 3 months to 5 years and a fixed or variable interest rate.
Interest will also be paid to you in the form of periodic coupons.
Supplementary pension provision
BAC’s supplementary pension solutions are a good opportunity to invest your savings and protect your standard of living over the long-term.
Different products for every need, with a choice of capital appreciation or life annuity.
Brochures available at our branches
Life insurance policies
BAC Life is the leading provider of insurance solutions to meet the needs of retirement and long-term savings protection.
It also aims to effectively manage the coverage of personal, family, professional and business risks, as well as generational transfers for its clients.
Private Banking
The Private Banking branch of Banca Agricola Commerciale is a touchstone for the financial advisory needs of high standing clients who seek professionalism and independent judgement, as well as confidentiality and attention.
Our size and organisational flexibility, which enable our clients to be placed at the centre of our way of working, allow us to greatly speed up our decision-making, in a rationale of partnership that involves clients in the investment process and the sharing of objectives based on the interpretation of client needs.
This process is supported by a dedicated organisational structure that operates through a robust open architecture system to select financial products chosen for excellence and independence in global financial markets.
The service offered by the division is distinctive and personalised. Our investment philosophy has been constructed to preserve our clients’ current and future wealth over the long-term. The approach is designed to meet the complex needs of clients in their personal, family, professional and corporate spheres.
At BAC Private Banking, trust is our founding value, with which we build lasting relationships and solid results, through professional advice that adapts to the changing needs of our client relationships over time.